Sunday, March 17, 2013

Good news! New 7.10.8862 update DOES fix live Tile bugs, also rolling out now

Now we have had several tips that Microsoft is rolling out a second new update, build 7.10.8862.144, which does in fact fix stuck tiles and other issues.

According to the Microsoft change log (above) this is the one and only true Windows Phone 7.8 update and besides the “many other improvements to Windows Phone” it also “Fixes performance issues from a previous update”.

We have had reports from Canada, Norway and India that the new update is rolling out, so it seems to be following hot on the heels of the last one.  It is still a mystery why both are being sent out but have the latest (greatest) version hit your phone yet? Let us know below.


  1. When does the Lumia 900 for AT&T get this update?

  2. 8862 Does Not fix my DEAD Live Tiles Unlocked HTC Radar

  3. Great! Now if only Nokia fixed that terrible volume level problem experienced by Lumia 800 users. Unfortunately, it seems like they don't care at all.

  4. Now got the 8862.144 update too! Didnt see much changes with the 142 though. And yeah I didn't really have an issue with the live tile thingy although lag when opening an application was getting on my nerves. I'm hoping that'll get fixed. And also, yes, battery was draining crazy. Hoping thats's been fixed too! Lets c!

  5. I demand more language support like Hindi and Tamil in browser, then wp7 is the best os
