Saturday, June 8, 2013

Google Latitude iPhone App Arrives

Google announced many moons ago their new map and GPS service that let you keep track of your friends locations. Named Google Latitude, the service and functionality was essentially Google’s early approach to what has become very popular with Four Square and Facebook ‘check-ins” to help you find where your friends are and when they’re in your general vicinity.

Many believed that Google Latitude would be a big hit with iPhone users, but Apple wasn’t too excited about the idea of a map based application on their phone that wasn’t designed to be used like traditional maps and held the service from availability in the App Store.

This all changed this morning when Apple finally decided to release Google’s Latitude app to consumers. It
is true that the functionality of Google Latitude was available through checking in at the iPhone friendly Latitude website, but the ability to share your location in the background was never possible. But that has all changed for iPhone owners with the iPhone version of Google’s latest app.

Like most GPS based applications, when you first launch Google Latitude it will ask you for permission to share your location with your other Google Latitude friends. You’ll also have to accept an agreement to let Google share your location, under the knowledge that you can hide yourself at any time and manage other privacy preferences.

After you’ve agreed to all the terms you’ll need to login with your Google Account to start enjoying the benefits of Google Latitude. Once logged in you’ll be able to see the location of the friends you’ve connected to with the web based version of Google Latitude. One of the best Google Latitude for iPhone features is that it will let you use your contact list to request and add new friends to your “Following” list.

Google Latitude has been around for a number of months, but it will be interesting to see if the iPhone app helps make the service any more successful.

Are you ready to share your every movement with your friends and the internet followers? If so, check out Google Latitude for the iPhone.

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